USMC Uniforms

Information presented here are based on historical USMC documents, photographs, uniform regulations etc.

The accuracy and quality of provided information will be reviewed based on latest to date known information. Reviews and proposals for corrections, copies of photographs, original publication, historical documents and any other information are always welcomed. Please contact me without hesitations, all participating persons and organisations will be credited.

About author:

My name is Mr. JAROSLAV JOCHMAN, I am military historian and researcher. I served as NCO with Czech Armed Forces. My interest in subject of USMC Uniforms / gear / accessories dates back to 1990s, when I started to collect USMC Uniforms, insignia, chevrons, 782 gear and publications. Over past 30 years I have gathered interesting collection of uniforms and information, which I try to present here in simplified form of USMC Uniform Guidebook. Please be patient as I am not native English speaker, so I may do grammar mistakes, so do not hesitate to correct any misspellings, Leatherneck lingo errors and etc. The information will be added and reviewed as time allows, as this activity is only my hobby not regular job. Please do not copy any text, photos and pictures published on these pages without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Appropriate steps will be taken against any rights violation.

References of author's work/acknowledgements/cooperation:

  • book "Grunt Gear" by Alec S. Tulkoff - provided information on history of USMC Dog Tags and UNIS markings
  • book "782 Gear" by Harlan Glenn - provided photos and information about particular WW2 USMC 782 gear
  • Gunny G's website - provided texts and pictures on history of USMC Rank Enlisted Insignia
  • website - provided texts and pictures on history of USMC Dog Tags
  • and other works, research papers and etc.

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